Load Control Module alerts

The Load Control Modules (LCMs) have a limited number of alerts that vary by model.

Table 1. Load Control Module alerts
LCM modelMeter event nameRNI event nameEvent descriptionEvent trigger
TC240RAC-STamper Event StartedTamper AlarmThe LCM has not sensed current or voltage for an unusual period of time, indicating that the LCM may have been tampered with.For every second that current or relay is not detected across a relay, the LCM increments the counter by 1. When the counter exceeds the configured Tamper Threshold Timer, the Tamper Alarm is triggered.
TC240RAC-STamper Event StoppedN/AThe LCM has sensed current or voltage across a relay for which a Tamper Alarm has been issued, and clears the tamper counter and clears the Tamper Alarm in RNI.Current or voltage is sensed across a relay with an active Tamper Alarm.
FC340 and FC340APowerfailPower FailThe LCM has lost power for a sustained period of time. This alarm is cleared automatically after power is restored.LCM loses power for a sustained period of time.