Aclara I-210+c alerts
These alerts, errors, and warnings apply to Aclara I-210+c meters with a FlexNet SmartPoint module.
This information is provided as a reference only.
Alarms may vary by device type. Please check the alarms for your meter's device type.
- Aclara I-210+c DT-105 alerts: Aclara I-210+c DT-105 alerts
- Aclara I-210+c DT-20 alerts: Aclara I-210+c DT-20 alerts
Meter event name | RNI event name | Event description | Event trigger | Event source | Xylem recommended action |
Battery and Potential Fail | Metrology Battery and Potential Failure | Indicates if battery failure or power outage has occurred. | Metrology detected Battery and Potential fail. | Metrology | Consult metrology manufacturer documentation. |
Brownout | Brown Out | The voltage for the meter has dropped below the brownout threshold for a length of time. | Each time the FlexNet module samples the voltage registers from the meter, the minimum voltage is compared to the “Brownout Voltage Threshold”. If the minimum voltage is lower than the threshold, the brownout bit is set. The brownout bit is cleared when the voltage average window resets. The voltage is sampled from the meter every 90 seconds and each quantity is updated. The minimum, maximum, and average voltages are reset every time the voltage average window resets. The voltage average window is programmable and can be set to 1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, and 24 hours. As an optional feature, the voltage averaging can be synchronized to be cleared on every scheduled meter read. | Radio Endpoint | Investigate reason for low voltage in field. Alarm reset at end of the VAW. |
Click Count | N/A | Click Count. The meter is currently undergoing transformer breaker operations. | A click event occurs where the power is lost long enough to detect the loss (6-240 line cycles meter configuration setting) but not for continued loss of power that crosses the Outage Time threshold where meter would then go into last gasp. The click counter field increments each time a short duration voltage outage occurs (the outage is greater than the click count threshold setting but shorter than the Outage Time Threshold setting). The counter goes to 255 before resetting back to zero. | Radio Endpoint | Investigate possible source of momentary outages in field. |
Clock Error | Metrology Clock Error | Clock error. The meter's clock failed. | This event is set to indicate that meter lost its date and time. The Clock Error bit in Standard Status 1 in ST03. This flag is cleared when date and time is set in the meter. | Metrology | Consult metrology manufacturer documentation. |
Demand Overload | Metrology Demand Overload | Demand Overload. The demand value is higher than the programmed value. | The demand value is higher than the programmed value. | Metrology | Self-correcting when the demand drops below the set point. |
EEPROM | Metrology EEPROM Error | Indicates if an EEPROM error has occurred. | Metrology detected EEPROM error. | Metrology | Consult metrology manufacturer documentation. |
High Line Current Error | The meter has high current. | Metrology detected potential high line current event. | Metrology | Consult metrology manufacturer documentation. | |
High Temperature | Metrology High Temp | Determines if the meter has detected a high temperature condition. | Metrology detected high temperature. | Metrology | Consult metrology manufacturer documentation. |
High Temperature / Hot Socket | High Temperature Detected | High Temperature Alarm. The meter's internal temperature has exceeded the temperature threshold. | The FlexNet microprocessor uses an embedded temperature sensor to measure the ambient temperature inside of the meter plastic enclosure. The temperature is sampled every 10 seconds. If the temperature read exceeds the “temperature alarm” threshold, six alarm messages with the temperature alarm bit set will be immediately transmitted. The temperature threshold defaults to 85C and is programmable to a range between 1 to 125 degrees C. The temperature alarm feature also includes hysteresis. After the temperature threshold is exceeded and temperature alarm messages are transmitted, the temperature must drop at least 15 degrees below the high temperature threshold before the temperature alarm function is re-enabled. This avoids having modules sending large amounts of temperature alarms when the ambient temperature inside of the meter is hovering around the high temperature threshold. | Radio Endpoint | On-site visit is required to investigate the meter socket and service. |
High Temperature Auto Open | Metrology Disconnect Open Indicator | High Temperature Auto Open. | The meter’s internal remote disconnect switch will be opened if the TAO temperature threshold is exceeded by either thermistor temperature. The TAO temperature threshold defaults to 0 (disabled). | Radio Endpoint | On-site visit is required to investigate the meter socket and service. |
High Voltage | Over Voltage | High Voltage. The meter has detected that the voltage exceeds the high voltage threshold. | The transmission mode for each alarm transmission depends on the SmartPoint module configuration. Typically high temperature alarm messages are transmitted on the priority channel. | Radio Endpoint | Investigate reason for high voltage in field. The alarm will reset when the voltage average window resets. |
In-Time Sync | Time Adjusted | In-Time Sync. The endpoint or device's time synchronizes with the tower. | The endpoint or device's time synchronizes with the tower. Status. | Radio Endpoint | No user action is required. This is a status indication only. |
Leading KVARh | Metrology Leading KVARH | Leading KVARH. | Meter has detected a leading kVAr condition. The meter will display CA 040 000. Anytime leading kVAr is detected except that a value can be programmed, e.g. only set flag if in excess of X kVAr. Leading KVARH bit in Manufacturing Status1 of ST03. | Metrology | Investigate. |
Loss of Program | Loss of Program | The meter configuration process did not complete as expected. | The Demand Overload, Leading kVArh, and Received kWh cautions remain set in the meter until cleared by a manual reset issued from the RNI. | Metrology | Inspect meter installation and connections. |
Low Battery Error | Metrology Low Battery | The meter has lost voltage and a battery is not connected or has failed. This causes the meter clock to stop. This warning is expected on meters without a battery. Potential Fail. | The meter's battery has low voltage. This will also appear if the battery is missing. | Metrology | If meter has a battery, schedule field visit for battery replacement. |
Low Loss Potential | Metrology Low Loss Potential | Low Loss Potential. The meter is missing phase. | The meter voltage is below the set point. Meter will set Er 000 002 on the display. Meter will set LOW_LOSS_POTENTIAL_FLAG in STD TBL 3 in the meter. | Metrology | Self-correcting. Will reset if voltage goes back above set point. See manufacturer documentation. |
Meter Chip Error | Metrology Meter Chip Error | Indicates if an error occurred in the meter chip. | Metrology detected a meter chip error. | Metrology | Consult metrology manufacturer documentation. |
Metering Error | Metrology Metering Error | Metrology detected a metering error. | Metrology detected a metering error. | Metrology | Consult metrology manufacturer documentation. |
Metering Error | Metering error. | Metrology detected a metering error. | Metrology | Investigate. | |
Meter Read Failure | Meter Read Failure | Meter Read Failure. The meter could not be read due to no response, bad CRC/Checksum/Parity, or invalid data. | The meter could not be read due to no response, bad CRC/Checksum/Parity, or invalid data. | Radio Endpoint | Self-resolving. Replace the meter if the alarm continues repeatedly. |
Meter Unprogrammed | Metrology Meter Unprogrammed | Meter Unprogrammed. | The meter is not currently programmed. Meter will show CA 000 010 on the display. Meter will set the UNPROGRAMMED_FLAG in STD TBL 3 in the meter. | Metrology | Program meter. |
NONVOL Error | Metrology Non Volatile Memory Error | NONVOL Error. The meter cannot access the EEPROM. | The metrology cannot access the nonvolatile ram. Meter will show Er 000 200 on the display. Metrology will set NONVOL_MEM_FAILURE_FLAG in STD TBL 3 in the meter. | Metrology | Replace meter. |
Over Class Amps | Over Current | Over Class Amps. Set when the current flow exceeds the rated class amps. | Each time the FlexNet module samples the current level registers from the meter, the maximum current is compared to the “High Current Threshold”. If the maximum current is greater than the threshold, the over class amps bit is set. The overclass amps bit is cleared when the voltage average window resets. | Radio Endpoint | Investigate service. The alarm will reset when the voltage average window resets. |
Power Fail | Power Fail | Last Gasp. | Each time the FlexNet module detects that the power monitor signal is de-asserted, the module enters a low power state and enters a hold-off period equal to the number of seconds stored as the “Outage Time Threshold”. The Outage Time Threshold is programmable in eight second increments and can be configured from 8 to 120 seconds. While the FlexNet module is in its low power state it continues to monitor the status of both power monitor signals. If either power monitor signal is re-asserted while the module is still in the hold-off period, the FlexNet module exits the low power state and continues to operate normally. No power fail transmissions are sent in this case. | Radio Endpoint | The alarm will auto resolve when the AC power is restored. If the power has been restored but the alarm persists then an on-site visit is required to investigate the status of the meter. |
Power Restore | Power Fail | Power Restore. | Upon power-on-reset (POR), the FlexNet module waits until the power monitor signal is asserted. Once the power monitor signal is asserted, the FlexNet module enters a hold-off time equal to the number of seconds stored as the “Restoral Time Threshold”. The Restoral Time Threshold is configurable in eight second increments and can be configured from 8 to 120 seconds. Once the hold-off time is complete, the device sends five dithered power restore alarms. Once all five power restoral transmissions have been sent, the device sends an on-air meter reading message. | Radio Endpoint | No user action required. This is a status indication only. |
Processor Resets | N/A | Processor Resets. The number of times the meter's processor has been reset. | The processor resets field is a modulo-16 counter that increments each time the FlexNet microprocessor is reset. Seeing this field increase is not necessarily an indication of a problem since this field will increment each time the power fails for longer than the Outage Time Threshold. A high value in this field only indicates a potential problem when the unit has not also been reporting a high number of power failures. | Radio Endpoint | Monitor for excessive resets. |
Received KWH | Metrology Received KWH | Received kWh. | Energy has been detected flowing in the reverse direction (load to line). The Demand Overload, Leading kVArh, and Received kWh cautions remain set in the meter until cleared by a manual reset issued from the RNI. | Metrology | Investigate. |
Reverse Energy | Reverse Energy | Reverse energy. | Reverse power flow has been detected continuously for five minutes each time the FlexNet module samples the voltage registers from the meter (90-sec), the reverse current flag will be checked. The first sample time in which the FlexNet module detects a reverse flow bit an optional alarm message will be sent. As a backup, in case that transmission was not received, the reverse energy bit is set in each meter read message until the voltage average window (VAW) expires even if the reverse energy condition has already cleared. If the meter’s reverse energy indication spans multiple VAW timeouts, an optional reverse energy alarm once during each VAW. | Radio Endpoint | Investigate the reason for the alarm. |
ROM Failure | Metrology ROM Error | ROM Failure. The meter had a problem accessing its nonvolatile EEPROM. | The meter cannot access the EEPROM. | Metrology | Replace meter recommended by Aclara. |
RX Calibration Errors/Receiver Calibration | N/A | RX Calibration Errors/Receiver Calibration. The number of times the receiver could not calibrate. | The endpoint or device's time synchronizes with the tower. Status. | Radio Endpoint | The alarm will be cleared automatically when a static setup message is sent. |
Single Phase Outage | Single Phase Fail | Single phase outage. | For a meter that has multiple phase voltages, the module has the ability to detect and report single phase outages. A single phase outage is defined as one of the power monitor signals from the meter reading less than 96 volts. The single phase outage detection is an edge sensitive. This means that the device must have been operating normal power prior to a single phase dropping out in order for the device to enter the single phase outage alarm messaging sequence. When a single phase outage event occurs the module will schedule three alarm messages to be sent with the single phase fail bit set. The power fail bit will not be set in these messages. | Metrology | The alarm will auto resolve when the AC power is restored to this phase. If the power has been restored but the alarm persists then an on-site visit is required to investigate the status of the meter. |
System Error | Metrology System Error | System error. | The meter detected an internal hardware failure. Meter will display. Er 000 020. The System Error is triggered when the meter detects a problem with its internal hardware, most likely the microprocessor. This is in the ST 3, Manufacturing Status 1 field. Measurement Error bit (AKA Voltage reference Error) bit in Standard Status 1 are reported as weekly alarm. | Metrology | Replace meter. |
Tamper | Tamper | When a single phase outage event occurs the module will schedule three alarm messages to be sent with the 12S single phase fail bit set. The power fail bit will not be set in these messages. When the module schedules the single phase power fail messages it does not enter a low power state as it does during power fail. The device should behave normally since it is still powered from the line. | Each time the FlexNet module detects a de-asserted power monitor signal, the electronic tamper algorithm starts. The electronic tamper detection monitors a hardware vibration sensor to determine if the meter has been removed from the socket. If the meter was removed from the socket, the FlexNet module will immediately send up to five power fail transmissions with the tamper bit set. | Radio Endpoint | Doublecheck if there was a work order for this time. If not, on-site visit is required to investigate the status of the meter. |
TX Lock Errors/Synthesizer Lock Failures | N/A | TX Lock Errors/Synthesizer Lock Failures. The number of times the transmitter could not lock to a frequency. | The TX Lock errors field is a modulo-16 counter that increments each time the transmit synthesizer fails to lock. For a transmitter that is operating under normal operating temperatures, this field should never be non-zero. | Radio Endpoint | The alarm will be cleared automatically when a static setup message is sent. |
Watchdog Timeout | Metrology Watchdog Timeout | Indicates if a watchdog timeout has occurred. | Metrology detected Watchdog Timeout. | Metrology | Consult metrology manufacturer documentation. |
Meter event name | RNI event name | Event description | Event trigger | Event source | Xylem recommended action |
Clock Error | Meter | ||||
Configuration Error (Demand or TOU) | Error 0x0040. Typically indicates an error with TOU or demand configuration. | Meter | |||
Demand Overload | Warning 0x2000 or C&I Meter Alarm Flag 14,2. The reported power exceeded the capabilities of the meter. Demand threshold overload-CA004000. | Meter | |||
High Temperature Detected | Set when the internal meter temperature exceeds the configured temperature threshold. | Meter | |||
Low Battery Voltage Electric | Low battery - CA 000001 | Meter | |||
Low Loss Potential | Low potential - CA 000400 | Meter | |||
Measurement Error | Meter | ||||
Meter Unprogrammed | Meter unprogrammed - CA000001 | Meter | |||
Over Current | High current. | Meter | |||
Over Voltage | Meter | ||||
Power Fail | Meter | ||||
RAM Failed | Meter | ||||
RAM Test Fail | Meter | ||||
Reverse Energy | Reverse power detected or an 'Aclara I-210+c' Received KWH or an 'Aclara kV2c' Received kWh - CA 400000. | Meter | |||
ROM Failed | Meter | ||||
ROM Test Fail | Meter | ||||
Single Phase Fail | Meter | ||||
Tamper | Meter | ||||
Brownout | Brown Out | The voltage for the meter has dropped below the brownout threshold for a length of time. | Each time the FlexNet module samples the voltage registers from the meter, the minimum voltage is compared to the “Brownout Voltage Threshold”. If the minimum voltage is lower than the threshold, the brownout bit is set. The brownout bit is cleared when the voltage average window resets. The first sample time in which the FlexNet module reads a voltage that sets the brownout condition an optional alarm message is sent. As a backup, in case that transmission was not received, the brownout bit is set in each meter read message until the voltage average window expires even if the brownout line condition has already cleared. | Radio Endpoint | Investigate reason for low voltage in field. Alarm reset at end of the VAW. |
Clock Error | Metrology Clock Error | Clock error. The meter's clock failed. | This event is set to indicate that meter lost its date and time. The Clock Error bit in Standard Status 1 in ST03. This flag is cleared when date and time is set in the meter. | Metrology | Consult metrology manufacturer documentation. |
Demand Overload | Metrology Demand Overload | Demand Overload. The demand value is higher than the programmed value. | The demand value is higher than the programmed value. | Metrology | Reprogram metrology or replace meter. |
High Line Current Error | The meter has high current. | Metrology detected potential high line current event. | Metrology | Consult metrology manufacturer documentation. | |
High Temperature / Hot Socket | High Temperature Detected | The meter's internal temperature has exceeded the temperature threshold. | The FlexNet microprocessor uses an embedded temperature sensor to measure the ambient temperature inside of the meter plastic enclosure. The temperature is sampled every 10 seconds. If the temperature read exceeds the High Temperature threshold, ten alarm messages with the high temperature alarm bit set are immediately transmitted. | Radio Endpoint | On-site visit is required to investigate the meter socket and service. |
High Voltage | Over Voltage | High Voltage. The meter has detected that the voltage exceeds the high voltage threshold. | Each time the SmartPoint module samples the voltage registers from the meter, the maximum voltage is compared to the High Voltage Threshold. If the maximum voltage is greater than the threshold, the over voltage bit is set. The over voltage bit is cleared when the voltage average window resets. | Radio Endpoint | Investigate reason for high voltage in field. The alarm will reset when the voltage average window resets. |
In-Time Sync | Time Adjusted | In-Time Sync. The endpoint or device's time synchronizes with the tower. | The endpoint or device's time is not synchronized with the tower. | Radio Endpoint | No user action is required. This is a status indication only. |
Low Battery Error | Metrology Low Battery | The meter has lost voltage and a battery is not connected or has failed. This causes the meter clock to stop. This warning is expected on meters without a battery. Potential Fail. | The meter's battery has low voltage. This will also appear if the battery is missing. | Metrology | If meter has a battery, schedule field visit for battery replacement. |
Low Loss Potential | Metrology Low Loss Potential | Low Loss Potential. The meter is missing phase. | The meter voltage is below the set point. Meter will set Er 000 002 on the display. Meter will set LOW_LOSS_POTENTIAL_FLAG in STD TBL 3 in the meter. | Metrology | Self-correcting. Will reset if voltage goes back above set point. See manufacturer documentation. |
Measurement Error | Metrology Measurement Error | Measurement error. | Meter detected a bad voltage reference. | Metrology | Self-correcting. Contact Sensus if the issue persists. |
Meter Read Failure | Meter Read Failure | Meter Read Failure. The meter could not be read due to no response, bad CRC/Checksum/Parity, or invalid data. | The meter could not be read due to no response, bad CRC/Checksum/Parity, or invalid data. If the meter cannot be read the meter read failure flag will be set and sent to identify an issue with collecting the reading value. For example, a wheel is between digits 3 and 4 during the reading the radio cannot read the value. | Radio Endpoint | Self-resolving. Replace the meter if the alarm continues repeatedly. |
Meter Unprogrammed | Metrology Meter Unprogrammed | Meter Unprogrammed. The meter is not programmed currently. | The meter is not currently programmed. Meter will show CA 000 010 on the display. Meter will set the UNPROGRAMMED_FLAG in STD TBL 3 in the meter. | Metrology | Program meter. |
NONVOL Error | Metrology Non Volatile Memory Error | NONVOL Error. The meter cannot access the EEPROM. | The metrology cannot access the nonvolatile ram. Meter will show Er 000 200 on the display. Metrology will set NONVOL_MEM_FAILURE_FLAG in STD TBL 3 in the meter. | Metrology | Replace meter. |
Over Class Amps | Over Current | Over Class Amps. | Each time the FlexNet module samples the current level registers from the meter, the maximum current is compared to the “High Current Threshold”. If the maximum current is greater than the threshold, the over class amps bit is set. The overclass amps bit is cleared when the voltage average window resets. This alarm not supported by the i210+c. | Radio Endpoint | On-site visit is required to investigate the meter socket and service. |
Power Fail | Power Fail | Power Fail. The meter does not have any AC power. | Each time the FlexNet module detects that the power monitor signal is de-asserted, the module enters a low power state and enters a hold-off period equal to the number of seconds stored as the “Outage Time Threshold”. The Outage Time Threshold is programmable in eight second increments and can be configured from 8 to 120 seconds. While the FlexNet module is in its low power state it continues to monitor the status of both power monitor signals. If either power monitor signal is re-asserted while the module is still in the hold-off period, the FlexNet module exits the low power state and continues to operate normally. No power fail transmissions are sent in this case. If the module completes its programmed hold-off time and the power monitor signals from the meter are still de-asserted, the module will then write the time of last power fail to flash memory and send up to five power fail transmissions. The power fail transmissions are randomly dithered within a 584 second window following expiration of the power outage threshold. Once a sequence of power fail alarms is transmitted a new sequence will not be sent until power is restored for the proper restoral period. | Radio Endpoint | The alarm will auto resolve when the AC power is restored. If the power has been restored but the alarm persists then an on-site visit is required to investigate the status of the meter. |
Power Restore | Power Fail | Power Restore. AC Power is detected after a power fail. | Upon power-on-reset (POR), the FlexNet module waits until the power monitor signal is asserted. Once the power monitor signal is asserted, the FlexNet module enters a hold-off time equal to the number of seconds stored as the “Restoral Time Threshold”. The Restoral Time Threshold is configurable in eight second increments and can be configured from 8 to 120 seconds. Once the hold-off time is complete, the device sends a number of power restore alarms and a read message per the Power Restore Transmissions Table. The transmission mode for each transmission depends on the module configuration. Typically, power restore messages are transmitted on the priority channel. | Radio Endpoint | No user action required. This is a status indication only. |
Reverse Energy | Reverse Energy | Reverse energy. Reverse power flow has been detected. | Each time the FlexNet module samples the voltage registers from the meter (90-sec), the reverse current flag will be checked. If the bit is set, a corresponding reverse energy bit will be set in the on-air FlexNet message. The FlexNet module’s reverse energy bit is cleared when the voltage average window resets. | Radio Endpoint | Investigate the reason for the alarm. |
ROM Failure | Metrology ROM Error | ROM Failure. The meter had a problem accessing its nonvolatile EEPROM. | The meter cannot access the EEPROM. | Metrology | Replace meter. |
Single Phase Outage | Single Phase Fail | Single phase outage. | For a meter that has multiple phase voltages, the module has the ability to detect and report single phase outages. A single phase outage is defined as one of the power monitor signals from the meter reading less than 96 volts. The single phase outage detection is an edge sensitive. This means that the device must have been operating normal power prior to a single phase dropping out in order for the device to enter the single phase outage alarm messaging sequence. When a single phase outage event occurs the module will schedule three alarm messages to be sent with the single phase fail bit set. The power fail bit will not be set in these messages. | Metrology | The alarm will auto resolve when the AC power is restored to this phase. If the power has been restored but the alarm persists then an on-site visit is required to investigate the status of the meter. |
Tamper | Tamper | Tamper. The meter's orientation has been moved or the cover has been opened. | Each time the FlexNet module detects a de-asserted power monitor signal, the electronic tamper algorithm starts. The electronic tamper detection monitors a hardware vibration sensor to determine if the meter has been removed from the socket. If the meter was removed from the socket, the FlexNet module will immediately send up to five power fail transmissions with the tamper bit set. | Radio Endpoint | Doublecheck if there was a work order for this time. If not, on-site visit is required to investigate the status of the meter. |