iConA alerts
These alerts, errors, and warnings apply to the iConA meter.
The Error or Warning code displayed on the LCD and reported through the FlexNet system is a HEX value, in which non-zero bits represent an error condition. Multiple error conditions may exist at once which produces a value that is the combination of the HEX values for those errors.
iConA errors display on the meter and transmit via the weekly Alarm message (also available with FlexNet Utility using Ping 5). Warnings and alarms are transmitted via the Advanced Alarm message (available with FlexNet Utility using Ping 27).
Alarms may vary by device type. Please check the alarms for your meter's device type.
- iConA DT-83 alerts: iConA DT-83 alerts
- iConA DT-50 alerts: iConA DT-50 alerts
- iConA DT-23 alerts: iConA DT-23 alerts
Meter event name | RNI event name | Event description | Event trigger | Event source | Xylem recommended action |
Brown Out | Brown Out | Low voltage. Set if the minimum voltage is less than the configured Brown Out (low voltage) threshold. | Set if minimum voltage is less than the configured low voltage threshold (measured over 1 second intervals). Real-time alarm is sent upon low voltage detection. The metrology measures the line voltage and the radio module compares to the configured Brownout threshold and triggers an immediate Priority Short Alarm AC82 (configurable) which repeats at each VAW reset while the condition persists, and also sets the BO flag in all FNv1 message transmissions until the end of the VAW during which the voltage recovers. | Metrology | Monitor. |
Click Count | N/A - Not an alert | The number of times AC voltage gaps that do not result in a power fail alarm. | The meter is currently undergoing transformer breaker operations or other causes of short power outages. | Radio Endpoint | Change the voltage source to reduce breaker operations OR in case of Stratus, change the voltage threshold for reporting the click count alarm. Or correct other issues with the service. |
Configuration Error | Configuration Error | Configuration Error 0040. This can occur at a power restore or after receiving a configuration command. Possible causes: The ratio of demand main intervals to demand sub intervals is greater than or equal to sixteen to zero, or the ratio is not evenly divisible, or the main interval is less than five minutes; There are too many demand sources in the self-read; The flash TOU Config block cannot be read after a processor reset; The flash TOU Schedule block cannot be read after a processor reset. | Bad configuration detected at Power Restore or immediately after receiving a configuration command. | Metrology | Check meter configuration settings if recently reconfigured. If not intentionally reconfigured and this error occurs, contact Sensus (operation may be impaired). If due to a bad configuration attempt, clear the error (Cmd 61), then reconfigure. |
High Temperature | High Temperature Detected | Set when the bus bar (socket) temperature exceeds the configurable Temperature Alarm threshold. | High Temperature detected by the meter. Set when internal meter temperature exceeds the temperature alarm threshold. If the meter temperature ever exceeds the calculated “high temperature alarm” threshold (that is, the configurable HTA threshold - reduced temperature alarm offset if in effect), six alarm messages with the hot-socket (HS) alarm bit set will be immediately transmitted, interspaced by 5 seconds between each alarm message. The messages will be inhibited if a higher priority alarm sequence (RD movement, TAO or CAO) is already in progress. | Metrology | On-site visit is required to investigate the meter socket and service. The meter must be pulled from the socket to inspect the stab contacts. |
In-Time Sync | Time Adjusted | In-Time Sync. The endpoint or device's time synchronizes with the tower. | The endpoint or device's time is not synchronized with the tower. | Radio Endpoint | No user action is required. This is a status indication only. For Stratus, on-site visit to investigate the meter status. |
Last Gasp | Power Fail | Last Gasp. No power detected for longer than the configured Outage Time threshold. | No power detected for longer than the configured outage time threshold. Waits until Outage Time Threshold met, then up to 4 PF Alarms sent in 4 intervals. The meter transmits 4 alarms unless power comes back during the transmission/dither period, or the meter does not have enough reserve capacitor charge to allow it (for example, there is a brief power restore not allowing sufficient charging time, followed by another power fail). | Metrology | Monitor. |
Low voltage | Brown Out | Low voltage. Set if the minimum voltage is less than the configured Brown Out (low voltage) threshold. | Set if minimum voltage is less than configured low voltage threshold (measured over 1 second intervals) for 1 seconds. Real-time alarm is sent upon low voltage detection. The metrology measures the line voltage and the Radio module compares to the configured Brownout threshold and triggers an immediate Priority Short Alarm AC82 (configurable) which repeats at each VAW reset while the condition persists. All FNv1 messages include a BO flag in the message header which will remain set until the end of the VAW during which the voltage recovers. BO is not reported in the FNv2 message header or in ESM status flags. Brownout bit is included in CMEP file until the voltage average window (VAW) expires. This is triggered in the FlexNet radio module, based on reported voltage from the metrology. | Metrology | Monitor. |
Meter Read Failure | Meter Read Failure | Meter Read Failure. The meter could not be read due to no response, bad CRC/Checksum/Parity, or invalid data. | The meter could not be read due to no response, bad CRC/Checksum/Parity, or invalid data. If the meter cannot be read the meter read failure flag will be set and sent to identify an issue with collecting the reading value. For example, a wheel is between digits 3 and 4 during the reading the radio cannot read the value. | Radio Endpoint | Re-read the meter. Try to do an on demand read of the meter. Replace the meter if alarm continues. This categorized as noise because up until Alliant's current issue, it is a very intermittent error which may not be present seconds after it appears. The alarm can clear itself during the next reading. In the case that a wheel was stuck between reads, the next reading will be collected and the alarm is no longer active or sent (not a persistent alarm). In the case the reading is still inaccessible due to CRC error, the next reading will again report the Meter Read Failure alarm. In this case, a field visit is required. |
Over Voltage | Over Voltage | High Voltage. The meter has detected that the maximum voltage exceeds the high voltage threshold. | The meter has detected that the maximum voltage exceeds the high voltage threshold. | Radio Endpoint | The alarm will reset when the voltage average window resets. |
Power Fail | Power Fail | No power detected for longer than the configured outage time threshold. The meter waits until the Outage Time Threshold is met, then transmits up to 4 PF Alarms sent in 4 intervals with random dither offsets, so messages do not collide from groups of meters experiencing the interruption. The sequence is terminated if power comes back during the transmission/dither period, or the meter does not have enough reserve capacitor charge to complete. For example, when there is a brief power restore not allowing sufficient charging time, followed by another power fail. | No power detected for longer than the configured outage time threshold. The meter waits until the Outage Time Threshold is met, then transmits up to 4 PF Alarms sent in 4 intervals with random dither offsets, so messages do not collide from groups of meters experiencing the interruption. The sequence is terminated if power comes back during the transmission/dither period, or the meter does not have enough reserve capacitor charge to complete (for example, there is a brief power restore not allowing sufficient charging time, followed by another power fail). | Metrology | Monitor. |
Power Restore | N/A - Restore is marked as the end of the Power Fail event | AC Power is detected for a longer period than the configured restore time threshold. Waits until Restoral Time Threshold met, then 5 PR Alarms sent in 5 intervals with random dither, unless interrupted by another Power Fail or removal Tamper event or Single Phase Failure detection. | AC Power is detected for a longer period than the configured restore time threshold. | Metrology | Informational. |
Reverse energy | Reverse power flow has been detected. | Reverse Power greater than the low power cutoff (~20mA) has been detected continuously for 1 alarm message plus RP bit stays set until VAW reset. There is no clear event, so if another reverse power alarm does not show up in the next hour (after the VAW resets), then the reverse power situation has stopped. The meter will display Error 8000. Reverse Energy can be configured as a latching meter Error 8000, non-latching Error 8000, or no error at all. If configured as an Error, it triggers an immediate Priority Alarm message and is also indicated in ESM and the Weekly Alarm message. The status can be pinged for with the Alarm Ping and Weekly Alarm Ping. It also indicated in Single/Dual Parameter Read messages (Walk-by/Drive-by read response). If Rev Power is configured as a non-latching Error, the same delivery messages apply. But when the condition stops, the Error automatically clears itself and will show up as zero in the next normal message which happens to contain meter Errors (Weekly Alarm, etc.). Other indicators (other than the Error bit) behave the same way in both latched and non-latched cases. | Metrology | Investigate. Confirm that meter is not being used in a Net (solar) installation. | |
Reverse Energy | Reverse Energy | Reverse energy. Reverse power flow has been detected. | Reverse Power greater than the low power cutoff (~20mA) has been detected continuously for 1 alarm message plus RP bit stays set until VAW reset. There is no clear event, so if another reverse power alarm does not show up in the next hour (after the VAW resets), then the reverse power situation has stopped. The meter will display Error 8000. Reverse Energy can be configured as a latching meter Error 8000, non-latching Error 8000, or no error at all. If configured as an Error, it triggers an immediate Priority Alarm message and is also indicated in ESM and the Weekly Alarm message. The status can be pinged for with the Alarm Ping and Weekly Alarm Ping. It also indicated in Single/Dual Parameter Read messages (Walk-by/Drive-by read response). If Rev Power is configured as a non-latching Error, the same delivery messages apply. But when the condition stops, the Error automatically clears itself and will show up as zero in the next normal message which happens to contain meter Errors (Weekly Alarm, etc.). Other indicators (other than the Error bit) behave the same way in both latched and non-latched cases. | Metrology | Investigate. |
Single Phase Fail | Single Phase Fail | For form 12S or 25S meters, power to one of the two line stabs has failed (but not both). Three Priority (or Normal if so configured) Alarm messages will be transmitted and the SPF header bit will be set in all FNv1-mode transmitted messages from the meter. When a single phase outage event ends, no additional alarm messages are sent, but the SPF header bit is cleared. If the single phase fail condition clears while still sending the initial alarm message sequence, the device will skip the remaining “alarm” messages. | Line voltage on one of the line stabs has either fallen below 80V or the waveform is corrupted such that 3 consecutive line cycles have incorrect zero-crossing timing or voltage below a threshold necessary to power the meter’s circuits. | Metrology | The alarm auto-resolves when AC power is restored. If power has been restored but the alarm persists then an on-site visit is required to investigate the status of the meter. |
Tamper - Meter Removal | Tamper | Tamper - meter removal; Set if the meter is not in the meter socket six seconds after a power loss. Six seconds is for a 2S meter; time varies by meter form. | Tamper detection activated shortly after loss of power detected. Detection activates a brief charging test to determine if the meter is still installed. Up to 4 alarm messages randomly spaced in a burst. Once the alarms are sent, the meter shuts down. When reenergized the meter will transmit Power Restore messages. | Metrology | Doublecheck if there was a work order for this time. If not, on-site visit is required to investigate the status of the meter. |
Meter event name | RNI event name | Event description | Event trigger | Event source | Xylem recommended action |
BlockBadIndex | External non-volatile memory access problem. | An access to external memory storage produced an unexpected status indication. | Metrology | Notify Sensus of the error code. Send Clear Warnings and Errors command RC 61. FW upgrade recommended. | |
BlockBufferSize | External non-volatile memory access problem. | An access to external memory storage produced an unexpected status indication. | Metrology | Notify Sensus of the Error code. Send Clear Warnings and Errors command RC 61. FW upgrade recommended. | |
BlockCantMarkBad | External non-volatile memory access problem. | An access to external memory storage produced an unexpected status indication. | Metrology | Notify Sensus of the Error code. Send Clear Warnings and Errors command RC 61. FW upgrade recommended. | |
BlockMarkedBad | External non-volatile memory access problem. | An access to external memory storage produced an unexpected status indication. | Metrology | Send Clear Warnings and Errors command RC 61. If condition persists, contact Sensus. | |
BlockNoGoodBlocks | External non-volatile memory access problem. | An access to external memory storage produced an unexpected status indication. | Metrology | Contact Sensus. | |
Brown Out | Brown Out | Low voltage. Set if the minimum voltage is less than the configured Brown Out (low voltage) threshold. | Set if minimum voltage is less than the configured low voltage threshold (measured over 1 second intervals). Real-time alarm is sent upon low voltage detection. The metrology measures the line voltage and the radio module compares to the configured Brownout threshold and triggers an immediate Priority Short Alarm AC82 (configurable) which repeats at each VAW reset while the condition persists. This sets the BO flag in all message transmissions and is included in CMEP file until the end of the VAW during which the voltage recovers. This is triggered in the FlexNet radio module, based on reported voltage from the metrology. | Metrology | Monitor. |
Click Count | N/A - Not an alert | The meter is currently undergoing transformer breaker operations. | The meter is currently undergoing transformer breaker operations or other causes of short power outages. | Radio Endpoint | Change the voltage source to reduce transformer breaker operations. |
CommsWarning | The meter reports a communications warning due to a timeout, buffer overrun or other interprocessor communication error. Self-correcting. | Internal communication error between microprocessors. | Metrology | Self-correcting. Clear using Cmd RC 61 (Clear Warnings and Errors). Contact Sensus if the issue persists after clearing. | |
Configuration Error | Metrology Configuration Error | Configuration Error 0040. This can occur at a power restore or after receiving a configuration command. Possible causes: The ratio of demand main intervals to demand sub intervals is greater than or equal to sixteen to zero, or the ratio is not evenly divisible, or the main interval is less than five minutes; There are too many demand sources in the self-read; The flash TOU Config block cannot be read after a processor reset; The flash TOU Schedule block cannot be read after a processor reset. | Bad configuration detected at Power Restore or immediately after receiving a configuration command. | Metrology | Reconfigure the meter. The reconfiguration can be done on-air. |
DisconnectFail | The disconnect switch did not operate. The LCD will show E4000. | The switch is detected to be in the wrong position relative to the last commanded movement and could not be corrected, or energy flow was detected with the switch in the open position. | Metrology | Replace the meter or the meter’s disconnect relay. | |
E2Read | Failed to read data from non-volatile memory. | Multiple EEPROM read re-tries failed. | Metrology | Notify Sensus of the error code. Send Clear Warnings and Errors command RC 61. FW upgrade recommended. | |
E2ReRead | Warning: one EEPROM read attempt failed and required a retry. | Any EEPROM read attempt failed. | Metrology | Self-correcting. Contact Sensus if the issue persists. | |
E2Timeout | The E2 write or read timed out and required a retry. | Any EEPROM access attempt failed due to the serial interface indicating busy for longer than the timeout. | Metrology | Self-correcting. Contact Sensus if the issue persists. | |
E2Write | Data could not be stored in the non-volatile memory. | Metrology | Replace the meter. | ||
E2WriteWarn | A byte could not be written and read back. This occurs after multiple attempts. | Metrology | Self-correcting. Contact Sensus if the issue persists. | ||
High Temperature | High Temperature Detected | Set when the bus bar (socket) temperature exceeds the configurable temperature threshold. | High Temperature detected by the meter. Set when internal meter temperature exceeds the temperature alarm threshold. If the meter temperature ever exceeds the calculated “high temperature alarm” threshold (that is, the configurable HTA threshold - reduced temperature alarm offset if in effect), six alarm messages with the hot-socket (HS) alarm bit set will be immediately transmitted, interspaced by 5 seconds between each alarm message. The messages will be inhibited if a higher priority alarm sequence (RD movement, TAO or CAO) is already in progress. | Metrology | On-site visit is required to investigate the meter socket and service. The meter must be pulled from the socket to inspect the stab contacts. |
High Voltage | Set when the maximum voltage exceeds the configurable High Voltage Threshold. Resets when the Voltage Average Window resets. | Metrology | Resets when the Voltage Average Window resets. | ||
In-Time Sync | The endpoint time synchronizes with the tower. | Metrology | No user action required. This is a status indication only. | ||
Last Gasp | Power Fail | Last Gasp. No AC power is detected. | No power detected for longer than the configured outage time threshold. Waits until Outage Time Threshold met, then up to 4 PF Alarms sent in 4 intervals. The meter transmits 4 alarms unless power comes back during the transmission/dither period, or the meter does not have enough reserve capacitor charge to allow it (for example, there is a brief power restore not allowing sufficient charging time, followed by another power fail). | Metrology | Monitor. |
Load Side Sense Active Warning | AC voltage was detected on the load side terminals when the switch requested to close, preventing closure. | A Load Shed command requesting closure, or an automatic switch close event in the meter may trigger the Warning 4000 and a LSS status in the Load Shed Ack response message. A ping of Load Shed Status may have the LSS indicator set at any time without requesting a closure if or when the condition develops. | Metrology | Self-correcting. Contact Sensus if the issue persists. | |
Low voltage | Brown Out | Low voltage. Set if the minimum voltage is less than the configured Brown Out (low voltage) threshold. | Set if minimum voltage is less than the configured low voltage threshold (measured over 1 second intervals). Real-time alarm is sent upon low voltage detection. The Metrology measures the line voltage and the Radio module compares to the configured Brownout threshold and triggers an immediate Priority Short Alarm AC82 (configurable) which repeats at each VAW reset while the condition persists. This sets the BO flag in all message transmissions and is included in CMEP file until the end of the VAW during which the voltage recovers. This is triggered in the FlexNet radio module, based on reported voltage from the metrology. This is triggered in the FlexNet radio module, based on reported voltage from the metrology. | Metrology | Monitor. |
Meter Read Failure | Set as a global failed reading flag due to no response, bad CRC/Checksum/Parity, or invalid data. | Metrology | The alarm can clear itself during the next reading. In case the reading is still not accessible, the next reading will again report the MRF alarm. In this case a field visit is required. | ||
MetroBadRegisterNum | An attempt was made to write a register that does not exist. | Metrology | Request a firmware upgrade from Sensus. | ||
MetroBitCheck | The register read was corrupt by a sum of bits. | Metrology | Self-correcting. Contact Sensus if the issue persists. | ||
MetroCalCorrupt | An error occurred reading the calibration data from flash. | Metrology | Calibrate the meter. Replace the meter if the error persists after calibration. | ||
MetroChipIntegFail | Repeated attempts to retrieve data from the metro chip has failed. | Metrology | Replace the meter. | ||
MetroEnergyLost | A second of energy was lost due to a problem reading the meter's FlexNet chip. | Metrology | Self-correcting. Contact Sensus if the issue persists. | ||
MetroHighLoad | The power that was reported exceeded the capabilities of the meter. | Metrology | Self-correcting. Contact Sensus if the issue persists. | ||
MetroIntegrityCheck | One or more registers failed to read back the correct value. | Metrology | Self-correcting. Contact Sensus if the issue persists. | ||
MetroRegCheck | The meter was re-initialized due to a repeated failure to read the correct register value. | Metrology | Self-correcting. Contact Sensus if the issue persists. | ||
MetroWrite | Failed to write and immediately read back a register. | Metrology | Self-correcting. Contact Sensus if the issue persists. | ||
PartialsMismatch | Data error in the residual accumulated energy stored at time of power fail. | Power restore self-checks. | Metrology | ||
Power Fail | Power Fail | No power detected for longer than the configured outage time threshold. | No power detected for longer than the configured outage time threshold. The meter waits until the Outage Time Threshold is met, then transmits up to 4 PF Alarms sent in 4 intervals with random dither offsets, so messages do not collide from groups of meters experiencing the interruption. The sequence is terminated if power comes back during the transmission/dither period, or the meter does not have enough reserve capacitor charge to complete (for example, there is a brief power restore not allowing sufficient charging time, followed by another power fail). | Metrology | Monitor. |
Power Restore | AC Power is detected for a longer period than the configured restore time threshold. Waits until Restoral Time Threshold met, then 5 PR Alarms sent in 5 intervals with random dither, unless interrupted by another Power Fail or removal Tamper event or Single Phase Failure detection. | AC Power is detected for a longer period than the configured restore time threshold. | Metrology | Informational. | |
Processor Resets | The number of times the meter's processor has been reset. | The alarm will be cleared automatically when a static setup message is sent. | |||
Receiver Calibration | Counter tracks the number of times the receiver fails to calibrate. | ||||
Reverse Energy/Reverse Power | Reverse Energy | Reverse energy. | Reverse Power greater than the low power cutoff (~20mA) has been detected continuously for 1 alarm message plus RP bit stays set until VAW reset. There is no clear event, so if another reverse power alarm does not show up in the next hour (after the VAW resets), then the reverse power situation has stopped. The meter will display Error 8000. Reverse Energy can be configured as a latching meter Error 8000, non-latching Error 8000, or no error at all. If configured as an Error, it triggers an immediate Priority Alarm message and is also indicated in the Weekly Alarm message. This may be described as the Reverse Power Error, the latching meter Error 8000, and when this Error latches it triggers the Reverse Energy Alarm event. The status can be pinged for with the Alarm Ping and Weekly Alarm Ping. It also indicated in Single/Dual Parameter Read messages. If Rev Power is configured as a non-latching Error, the same delivery messages apply. But when the condition stops, the Error automatically clears itself and will show up as zero in the next normal message which happens to contain meter Errors (Weekly Alarm, etc.). Other indicators (other than the Error bit) behave the same way in both latched and non-latched cases. | Metrology | Investigate. |
Single Phase Fail | Single Phase Fail | For form 12S or 25S meters, power to one of the two line stabs has failed (but not both). Three Priority (or Normal if so configured) Alarm messages will be transmitted and the SPF header bit will be set in all transmitted messages from the meter. When a single phase outage event ends, no additional alarm messages are sent, but the SPF header bit is cleared. If the single phase fail condition clears while still sending the initial alarm message sequence, the device will skip the remaining “alarm” messages. | Line voltage on one of the line stabs has either fallen below 80V or the waveform is corrupted such that 3 consecutive line cycles have incorrect zero-crossing timing or voltage below a threshold necessary to power the meter’s circuits. | Metrology | The alarm auto-resolves when AC power is restored. If power has been restored but the alarm persists then an on-site visit is required to investigate the status of the meter. |
Tamper - Meter Removal | Tamper | Tamper - meter removal; Set if the meter is not in the meter socket six seconds after a power failure. Six seconds is for a 2S meter; time varies by meter form. | Tamper detection activated shortly after loss of power detected. Detection activates a brief charging test to determine if the meter is still installed. Up to 4 alarm messages randomly spaced in a burst. Once the alarms are sent, the meter shuts down. When reenergized the meter will transmit Power Restore messages. | Metrology | Doublecheck if there was a work order for this time. If not, on-site visit is required to investigate the status of the meter. |
Transmitter/Synthesizer Lock Failures | Receipt of this alarm indicates that the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) and Total Demand Distortion (TDD) for either voltage, current, or both have exceeded the configured threshold during a configured time interval. | Field clears when a static setup message is received. |
Meter event name | RNI event name | Event description | Event trigger | Event source | Xylem recommended action |
Brown Out | Meter | ||||
Communications Warning | Warning 0x8000. A communications warning (timeout, buffer overrun, length, or CRC). | Meter | |||
Configuration Error (Demand or TOU) | Error 0x0040. Typically indicates an error with TOU or demand configuration. | Meter | |||
Corrupt Block | Warning 0x0400. No valid CRC could be read back from a block after retries. | Meter | |||
Demand Overload | Warning 0x2000 or C&I Meter Alarm Flag 14,2. The reported power exceeded the capabilities of the meter. Demand threshold overload-CA004000. | Meter | |||
Disconnect Load Side Voltage Sense | AC voltage detected on load terminals when switch requested to close (LSVS- load side voltage sense). | Meter | |||
EEPROM Failure -No Readable Blocks | Error 0x0100. No blocks that are not 'bad' were available in a particular set. | Meter | |||
EEPROM Read Error | Error 0x0010. Repeatedly failed to get two E2 reads to match before timing out. | Meter | |||
EEPROM Read Retry | Warning 0x0010. Two successive reads of one E2 address did not match. | Meter | |||
EEPROM/HAN Write Timeout | Warning 0x0020. E2 operation (write or read) timed out. | Meter | |||
Internal Firmware Error -200 | Error 0x0200. For iConA, [programming error only] buffer size didn't match block size. | Meter | |||
Internal Firmware Error -400 | Error 0x0400. For iConA, [programming error only] tried to access a block beyond max index. | Meter | |||
Memory Block CRC Retry | Warning 0x0200. A least one CRC read back from a block was corrupt. | Meter | |||
Memory Block Write Error | Warning 0x0100. A byte could not be written and read back-the block was marked bad. | Meter | |||
Memory Warning | Meter | ||||
Memory Write Error | Error 0x0020. 256 separate occurrences of byte writing failures occurred. | Meter | |||
Memory Write Failure - No Free Blocks | Error 0x0800. Failed to set a bad block bit when trying to mark a bad block. | Meter | |||
Meter Processor Failed | Indicates one of three conditions: The metrology processor did not assert the power OK lines for 60 seconds following power restore or FW download, the metrology processor did not hit the watchdog timer three consecutive times, or the Metro FW download gets rejected by the processor three times in a row. Not used in iConA Gen3 or later. | Meter | |||
Meter Read Failure | Set as a global failed reading flag due to no response, bad CRC/Checksum/Parity, or invalid data. | Meter | |||
Metrology Bad Register Num | Error 0x0004. [programming error only] requested register was not a valid choice. | Meter | |||
Metrology Calibration Error | Error 0x0002. Neither of the metrology calibration blocks contained valid data. | Meter | |||
Metrology Checksum Error | Warning 0x0004. Repeated failure to read back correct value, leading to reinitialization. | Meter | |||
Metrology Integrity Check | Error 0x0008. Unable to pass register integrity check after successive reload & retries or an 'iConA' warning that at least one register failed to read back correct value at least once. | Meter | |||
Metrology Sample Missing | Warning 0x1000. A problem reading the metro chip meant we lost a second's energy. | Meter | |||
Metrology Write Failed | Warning 0x0002. Failed to write and then immediately read back a register. | Meter | |||
Over Current | High current. | Meter | |||
Over Voltage | Meter | ||||
Partial Data Mismatch | Warning 0x0040. Partial energy data was <=2 kWh greater than last planned save. | Meter | |||
Power Fail | Meter | ||||
Register Check Error | Warning 0x0008. Read of register from metro chip was detected as corrupt by sum of bits. Also used to indicate 7759 bit errors. | Meter | |||
Reverse Energy | Reverse power detected or an 'Aclara I-210+c' Received KWH or an 'Aclara kV2c' Received kWh - CA 400000. | Meter | |||
Single Phase Fail | Meter | ||||
Switch in wrong state | Error 0x4000. Disconnect switch didn't operate when commanded. | Meter | |||
Tamper | Meter | ||||
Brown Out | Brown Out | Low voltage. | Set if minimum voltage is less then configured low voltage threshold, measured over 1 second intervals, for 1 seconds. Real-time alarm is sent upon low voltage detection. Brownout bit is set in each read message, every 15 minutes, and included in CMEP file until the voltage average window (VAW) expires. | Metrology | Monitor. |
Hot Socket | High Temperature Detected | Hot Socket. | High temperature detected by the meter. Set when device temperature exceeds the configurable temperature alarm threshold. | Metrology | On-site visit is required to investigate the meter socket and service. The meter must be pulled from the socket to inspect the stab contacts. |
Low voltage | Brown Out | Low voltage. | Set if minimum voltage is less then configured low voltage threshold (measured over 1 second intervals) for 1 seconds. Real-time alarm is sent upon low voltage detection. Brownout bit is set in each read message (every 15 minutes) and included in CMEP file until the voltage average window (VAW) expires. The metrology measures the line voltage and the Radio module compares to the configured Brownout threshold and triggers an immediate Priority Short Alarm AC82 (configurable) which repeats at each VAW reset while the condition persists, and also sets the BO flag in all FNv1 message transmissions until the end of the VAW during which the voltage recovers. This is triggered in the FlexNet radio module, based on reported voltage from the metrology. | Metrology | Monitor. |
Power Fail | Power Fail | No power detected for longer than the configured outage time threshold. The meter waits until the Outage Time Threshold is met, then transmits up to 4 PF Alarms sent in 4 intervals with random dither offsets, so messages do not collide from groups of meters experiencing the interruption. The sequence is terminated if power comes back during the transmission/dither period, or the meter does not have enough reserve capacitor charge to complete. For example, when there is a brief power restore not allowing sufficient charging time, followed by another power fail. | No power detected for longer than the configured outage time threshold. The meter waits until the Outage Time Threshold is met, then transmits up to 4 PF Alarms sent in 4 intervals with random dither offsets, so messages do not collide from groups of meters experiencing the interruption. The sequence is terminated if power comes back during the transmission/dither period, or the meter does not have enough reserve capacitor charge to complete (for example, there is a brief power restore not allowing sufficient charging time, followed by another power fail). | Metrology | Monitor. |
Reverse Energy | Reverse Energy | Reverse energy. | Reverse Power greater than the low power cutoff (~20mA) has been detected continuously for 1 alarm message plus RP bit stays set until VAW reset. There is no clear event, so if another reverse power alarm does not show up in the next hour (after the VAW resets), then the reverse power situation has stopped. The meter will display Error 8000. Reverse Energy can be configured as a latching meter Error 8000, non-latching Error 8000, or no error at all. If configured as an Error, it triggers an immediate Priority Alarm message and is also indicated in the Weekly Alarm message. The status can be pinged for with the Alarm Ping and Weekly Alarm Ping. It also indicated in Single/Dual Parameter Read messages. If Rev Power is configured as a non-latching Error, the same delivery messages apply. But when the condition stops, the Error automatically clears itself and will show up as zero in the next normal message which happens to contain meter Errors (Weekly Alarm, etc.). Other indicators (other than the Error bit) behave the same way in both latched and non-latched cases. | Metrology | Investigate. |
Tamper - Meter Removal | Tamper | Tamper - meter removal. | Tamper detection activated shortly after loss of power detected. Detection activates a brief charging test to determine if the meter is still installed. Up to 4 alarm messages randomly spaced in a burst. Once the alarms are sent, the meter shuts down. When reenergized, the meter will transmit Power Restore messages. | Metrology | Doublecheck if there was a work order for this time. If not, on-site visit is required to investigate the status of the meter. |