Aclara kV2c alerts

These alerts, errors, and warnings apply to Aclara kV2c meters with a FlexNet SmartPoint module.

The Aclara kV2c also has eight diagnostics. View the diagnostics at Aclara kV2c diagnostic alerts.

Table 1. Aclara kV2c DT-109 alerts
Meter event nameRNI event nameEvent descriptionEvent triggerEvent sourceXylem recommended action
Metrology Magnetic Tamper Metrology
Metrology Magnetic Tamper Metrology
Metrology Sag Metrology
Metrology Sag Metrology
Metrology Swell Metrology
Metrology Swell Metrology
Bad PasswordMetrology Bad PasswordBad Password.The number of allowable password attempts has been exceeded. Bad Password bit in Standard Status1 of ST03.Radio EndpointMonitor.
BrownoutBrown OutThe voltage for the meter has dropped below the brownout threshold for a length of time.Each time the SmartPoint Module samples the voltage registers from the meter, the minimum voltage is compared to the Brownout Voltage Threshold. If the minimum voltage is lower than the threshold, the brownout bit is set. The brownout bit is cleared when the voltage average window resets.Radio EndpointInvestigate reason for low voltage in field. Alarm reset at end of the VAW.
Click CountN/AThe meter is currently undergoing transformer breaker operations.A click event occurs where the power is lost long enough to detect the loss (6-240 line cycles meter configuration setting) but not for continued loss of power that crosses the Outage Time threshold where meter would then go into last gasp. The click counter field increments each time a short duration voltage outage occurs (the outage is greater than the click count threshold setting but shorter than the Outage Time Threshold setting). The counter goes to 255 before resetting back to zero.Radio EndpointInvestigate possible source of momentary outages in field. Change the voltage source to reduce transformer breaker operations.
Clock ErrorMetrology Clock ErrorClock error.This event is set to indicate that meter lost its date and time. The Clock Error bit in Standard Status 1 in ST03. This flag is cleared when date and time is set in the meter.MetrologyConsult Aclara documentation.
Demand OverloadMetrology Demand OverloadDemand Overload. The demand value is higher than the programmed value.The demand value is higher than the programmed value. The Meter will display CA 000 400The Demand Overload, Leading kVArh, and Received kWh cautions remain set in the meter until cleared by a manual demand reset. Demand Overload bit in Standard Status1 of ST03.MetrologyReprogram metrology or replace meter.
Flash Code ErrorMetrology Code ErrorFlash Code Error.Error occurred in code stored in flash memory. Kv2c std table 3. ED_MFG_STATUS_1 (0X40) (Set = 1, Clear = 0)MetrologyReplace meter.
Flash Data ErrorMetrology Data ErrorFlash Data Error.Error occurred in data stored in flash memory. Kv2c std table 3. ED_MFG_STATUS_1 (0X80) (Set = 1, Clear = 0)MetrologyAttempt to clear.
High Temperature / Hot SocketHigh Temperature DetectedHigh Temperature. The meter's internal temperature has exceeded the configured temperature threshold.The FlexNet microprocessor uses an embedded temperature sensor to measure the ambient temperature inside of the meter plastic enclosure. The temperature is sampled every 10 seconds. If the temperature read exceeds the High Temperature threshold, ten alarm messages with the high temperature alarm bit set are immediately transmitted.Radio EndpointOn-site visit is required to investigate the meter socket and service.
High VoltageOver VoltageHigh Voltage. The meter has detected that the voltage exceeds the high voltage threshold.Each time the SmartPoint Module samples the voltage registers from the meter, the maximum voltage is compared to the High Voltage Threshold. If the maximum voltage is greater than the threshold, the over voltage bit is set. The over voltage bit is cleared when the voltage average window resets.Radio EndpointInvestigate reason for high voltage in field. The alarm will reset when the voltage average window resets.
In-Time SyncN/A (See comments)In-Time Sync. The endpoint or device's time synchronizes with the tower.The endpoint or device's time synchronizes with the tower. Status.Radio EndpointNo user action is required. This is a status indication only.
Leading KVARhMetrology Leading KVARHMetrology Leading KVARH. The meter has detected a leading kVAr condition.Meter has detected a leading kVAr condition. The meter will display CA 040 000.MetrologyInvestigate.
Loss of ProgramLoss of ProgramLoss of Program.A programming session with the meter did not end correctly. Aclara says the this caution is set when the meter programming session, including set date/time, terminates prematurely.MetrologyAclara recommendation is to reprogram the meter.
Low Battery ErrorMetrology Low BatteryThe meter has lost voltage and a battery is not connected or has failed. This causes the meter clock to stop. This warning is expected on meters without a battery. Potential Fail.Meter lost voltage and a battery is not connected or has failed. Meter will display Er 000 002. Low Loss Potential and/or Low Battery Error bit in Standard Status1 of ST03.MetrologyReplace the battery and reprogram the meter. If the meter intentionally does not have a battery, the alert should reset after the meter receives a time sync from the FlexNet radio. The alarm resets when the battery has been replaced and the meter powered up and reprogrammed. For a meter purchased without battery, reset with a time sync.
Low Loss PotentialMetrology Low Loss PotentialLow Loss Potential. The meter is missing phase.Voltage on phase A has dropped below the programmable set point.MetrologySelf-correcting. Will reset if voltage goes back above set point. See manufacturer documentation.
Measurement ErrorMetrology Measurement ErrorMeasurement error.Meter detected a bad voltage reference.MetrologySelf-correcting. Contact Sensus if the issue persists.
Metering Error Metering error.Metrology detected a metering error.MetrologyInvestigate.
Meter Read FailureMeter Read FailureMeter Read Failure. The meter could not be read due to no response, bad CRC/Checksum/Parity, or invalid data.The meter could not be read due to no response, bad CRC/Checksum/Parity, or invalid data.Radio EndpointSelf-resolving. Replace the meter if the alarm continues repeatedly.
Meter UnprogrammedMetrology Meter UnprogrammedMeter Unprogrammed. The meter is not programmed currently.The meter is not currently programmed. Meter will show CA 000 010 on the display. Meter will set the UNPROGRAMMED_FLAG in STD TBL 3 in the meter.MetrologyProgram meter.
NONVOL ErrorMetrology Non Volatile Memory ErrorNVRAM Failure.Meter has detected an error in stored data and configurations. The kV2c Gen 5 meter continually performs checksum tests on its non-volatile RAM (NVRAM), which consists of EEPROM and flash memory. Each memory type is further segmented according to its use (for example, Load Profile, revenue data, or programming data), and each segment has its own checksum. If a checksum error occurs in any one of the segments, the meter records an NVRAM checksum error. Will display Er 000200.MetrologyReplace meter.
Over Class AmpsOver CurrentOver Class Amps. Set when the current flow exceeds the rated class amps.Each time the FlexNet module samples the current level registers from the meter, the maximum current is compared to the “High Current Threshold”. If the maximum current is greater than the threshold, the over class amps bit is set. The overclass amps bit is cleared when the voltage average window resets.Radio EndpointInvestigate service. The alarm will reset when the voltage average window resets.
Power Fail - endpoint generated Power Failure - meter generatedPower FailPower Fail. The meter does not have any AC power.Each time the FlexNet module detects that the power monitor signal is de-asserted, the module enters a low power state and enters a hold-off period equal to the number of seconds stored as the “Outage Time Threshold”. The Outage Time Threshold is programmable in eight second increments and can be configured from 8 to 120 seconds. While the FlexNet module is in its low power state it continues to monitor the status of both power monitor signals. If either power monitor signal is re-asserted while the module is still in the hold-off period, the FlexNet module exits the low power state and continues to operate normally. No power fail transmissions are sent in this case.Power Fail - endpoint Power Failure - meterThe alarm will auto resolve when the AC power is restored. If the power has been restored but the alarm persists then an on-site visit is required to investigate the status of the meter.
Power RestorePower FailPower Restore. AC Power is detected after a power fail.Upon power-on-reset (POR), the FlexNet module waits until the power monitor signal is asserted. Once the power monitor signal is asserted, the FlexNet module enters a hold-off time equal to the number of seconds stored as the “Restoral Time Threshold”. The Restoral Time Threshold is configurable in eight second increments and can be configured from 8 to 120 seconds.Radio EndpointNo user action required. This is a status indication only.
Processor ResetsN/AProcessor resets.The number of times the radio's processor has been reset. The Processor Resets field is a modulo-16 counter that increments each time the FlexNet microprocessor is reset. Seeing this field increase is not necessarily an indication of a problem because this field increments each time the power is lost for longer than the Outage Time Threshold. A high value in this field indicates a potential problem only when the unit has not also been reporting a high number of power losses.Radio EndpointThe alarm will be cleared automatically when a static setup message is sent.
Processor ResetsN/AProcessor resets. The number of times the meter's processor has been reset.The processor resets field is a modulo-16 counter that increments each time the FlexNet microprocessor is reset. Seeing this field increase is not necessarily an indication of a problem since this field will increment each time the power fails for longer than the Outage Time Threshold. A high value in this field only indicates a potential problem when the unit has not also been reporting a high number of power failures.Radio EndpointThe alarm will be cleared automatically when a static setup message is sent.
RAM FailureMetrology RAM FailureRAM Failure. The metrology RAM checksum test failed during bootup.Indicates a memory addressing error reported by the metrology processor. C1219 ST3MetrologyReplace meter.
Received KWHMetrology Received KWHReceived kWh; Energy has been detected coming from the load side of the meter (reverse energy).Energy has been detected flowing in the reverse direction (load to line). The Demand Overload, Leading kVArh, and Received kWh cautions remain set in the meter until cleared by a manual reset issued from the RNI.MetrologyInvestigate.
Reverse EnergyReverse EnergyReverse Energy. Reverse power flow has been detected.If enabled in the meter configuration, the meter sets the meter's ANSI C12.19 Table 3 flag that can be read by the SmartPoint Module indicating reverse energy flow.Radio EndpointInvestigate the reason for the alarm.
ROM FailureMetrology ROM FailureROM failure.The meter cannot access the EEPROM.MetrologyReplace meter recommended by Aclara.
RX Calibration Errors/Receiver CalibrationN/ARX Calibration Errors/Receiver Calibration. The number of times the receiver could not calibrate.The RX Calibration errors field is a modulo-16 counter that increments each time the mPass receiver does not calibrate. For a receiver that is operating under normal operating temperatures, this field should never be non-zero.Radio EndpointThe alarm will be cleared automatically when a static setup message is sent.
Single Phase FailSingle Phase FailA single phase outage is defined as one of the power phases reading less than 96 volts.For a meter form 12S/25S, the module detects phase outages during the periodic voltage monitoring process. When a single phase outage event occurs the module will schedule three alarm messages to be sent with the single phase fail bit set.Radio EndpointThe alarm will auto resolve when the AC power is restored to this phase. If the power has been restored but the alarm persists then an on-site visit is required to investigate the status of the meter.
Switch ChangeRemote Disconnect Switch State ChangedThe remote disconnect switch changed state.When a switch state change occurs the device will send a sequence of messages consisting of 6 each Load Shed ACKs and Alarms. If priority alarms are configured the alarm type is a Short Priority Alarm, Format 11. If priority alarms are not configured the alarm sent is the C&I Alarm.Radio EndpointInvestigate the reason for the alarm.
System ErrorMetrology System ErrorSystem error.The meter detected an internal hardware failure. Meter will display. Er 000 020. The System Error is triggered when the meter detects a problem with its internal hardware, most likely the microprocessor. This is in the ST 3, Manufacturing Status 1 field. Measurement Error bit (AKA Voltage reference Error) bit in Standard Status 1 are reported as weekly alarm.MetrologyReplace meter.
TamperTamperTamper - meter removal.Each time the FlexNet module detects a de-asserted power monitor signal, the electronic tamper algorithm starts. The electronic tamper detection monitors a hardware vibration sensor to determine if the meter has been removed from the socket. If the meter was removed from the socket, the FlexNet module will immediately send up to five power fail transmissions with the tamper bit set.Radio EndpointDoublecheck if there was a work order for this time. If not, on-site visit is required to investigate the status of the meter.
Time ChangedMetrology Time AdjustedTime changed.Time in the meter has been changed.MetrologyMonitor.
TX Lock Errors/Synthesizer Lock FailuresN/ATX Lock Errors/Synthesizer Lock Failures. The number of times the transmitter could not lock to a frequency.The TX Lock errors field is a modulo-16 counter that increments each time the transmit synthesizer does not lock. For a transmitter that is operating under normal operating temperatures, this field should never be non-zero.Radio EndpointThe alarm will be cleared automatically when a static setup message is sent.

The following eight diagnostics monitor what is happening with the electric service and the load. They report something detected that is out of the ordinary with the service. The diagnostics are constantly monitored by the kV2c meter based on the meter configuration. The diagnostic cautions are reset when the condition clears. Further information can be found in the Aclara kV2c User Guide.

Table 2. Aclara kV2c diagnostic alerts
Meter event nameRNI event nameEvent descriptionEvent triggerEvent sourceXylem recommended action
Diagnostic 1 Cross Phasing, wiring error, reverse polarityMetrology Cross Phase Received KWHDiagnostic #1: Polarity, Cross Phase, Reverse Energy Flow. The eight diagnostics monitor what is happening with the electric service and the load. They report something detected that is out of the ordinary with the service.Voltage and/or Current vectors not where expected for service type. B or C voltage angle; A, B or C current angle out of preset tolerance. For a diagnostic condition to be flagged, the event has to be active for three consecutive tests. For diagnostics 1 - 5 and 8, those three tests occur 5 seconds apart. The kV2c constantly tests for those conditions every five seconds and must see the unexpected condition three consecutive times. This time can be lengthened if needed in the meter program. The test still must fail three times. This alarm is pulled from Realtime Status in MT 69. When the condition stops, the Error automatically clears itself.MetrologyInvestigate.
Diagnostic 2 Voltage ImbalanceMetrology Voltage UnbalanceDiagnostic #2: Voltage Imbalance.Voltages are out of tolerance. For a diagnostic condition to be flagged, the event has to be active for three consecutive tests. For diagnostics 1 - 5 and 8, those three tests occur 5 seconds apart. The kV2c constantly tests for those conditions every five seconds and must see the unexpected condition three consecutive times. This time can be lengthened if needed in the meter program. The test still must fail three times. This alarm is pulled from Realtime Status in MT 69. When the condition stops, the Error automatically clears itself.MetrologyInvestigate.
Diagnostic 3 Inactive Phase CurrentMetrology Inactive Phase CurrentDiagnostic #3: Inactive Phase Current; Meter has detected inactive phase current at the site.One phase current is out of tolerance. For a diagnostic condition to be flagged, the event has to be active for three consecutive tests. For diagnostics 1 - 5 and 8, those three tests occur 5 seconds apart. The kV2c constantly tests for those conditions every five seconds and must see the unexpected condition three consecutive times. This time can be lengthened if needed in the meter program. The test still must fail three times. This alarm is pulled from Realtime Status in MT 69. When the condition stops, the Error automatically clears itself.MetrologyInvestigate.
Diagnostic 4 Phase Angle AlertMetrology Phase DifferencePhase Angle Alert. Meter has detected a phase angle in excess of the user-programmed threshold value.B and/or C phase voltage angles; A, B and/or C phase current angles out of tolerance. For a diagnostic condition to be flagged, the event has to be active for three consecutive tests. For diagnostics 1 - 5 and 8, those three tests occur 5 seconds apart. The kV2c constantly tests for those conditions every five seconds and must see the unexpected condition three consecutive times. This time can be lengthened if needed in the meter program. The test still must fail three times. This alarm is pulled from Realtime Status in MT 69. When the condition stops, the Error automatically clears itself.MetrologyInvestigate.
Diagnostic 5 Distortion Power AlertMetrology High DistortionDiagnostic #5: High Distortion; Meter has detected a condition in excess of the threshold value. Note: Diagnostic 5 can have different meanings depending on actual meter configuration.Value of item chosen for distortion exceeds threshold. For a diagnostic condition to be flagged, the event has to be active for three consecutive tests. For diagnostics 1 - 5 and 8, those three tests occur 5 seconds apart. The kV2c constantly tests for those conditions every five seconds and must see the unexpected condition three consecutive times. This time can be lengthened if needed in the meter program. The test still must fail three times. This alarm is pulled from Realtime Status in MT 69. When the condition stops, the Error automatically clears itself.MetrologyInvestigate.
Diagnostic 6 Under VoltageMetrology Under Voltage Phase A; Metrology Under Voltage Phase B; Metrology Under Voltage Phase CDiagnostic #6A: Under Voltage; Meter has detected an under voltage condition.Voltage is below tolerance. For a diagnostic condition to be flagged, the event has to be active for three consecutive tests. For diagnostics 6 and 7, the time is one second. The kV2c constantly tests for those conditions every five seconds and must see the unexpected condition three consecutive times. This time can be lengthened if needed in the meter program. The test still must fail three times. This alarm is pulled from Realtime Status in MT 69. When the condition stops, the Error automatically clears itself.MetrologyInvestigate.
Diagnostic 7 Over VoltageMetrology Over Voltage Phase A Metrology Over Voltage Phase B Metrology Over Voltage Phase CDiagnostic #7A: Over Voltage; Meter has detected an under voltage condition.Voltage is above tolerance. For a diagnostic condition to be flagged, the event has to be active for three consecutive tests. For diagnostics 6 and 7, the time is one second. The kV2c constantly tests for those conditions every five seconds and must see the unexpected condition three consecutive times. This time can be lengthened if needed in the meter program. The test still must fail three times. This alarm is pulled from Realtime Status in MT 69. When the condition stops, the Error automatically clears itself.MetrologyInvestigate.
Diagnostic 8 High Neutral CurrentMetrology High Line CurrentDiagnostic #8: High Neutral Current; Meter has detected a neutral current above the programmed threshold.Calculated neutral current exceeds value. For a diagnostic condition to be flagged, the event has to be active for three consecutive tests. For diagnostics 1 - 5 and 8, those three tests occur 5 seconds apart. The kV2c constantly tests for those conditions every five seconds and must see the unexpected condition three consecutive times. This time can be lengthened if needed in the meter program. The test still must fail three times. This alarm is pulled from Realtime Status in MT 69. When the condition stops, the Error automatically clears itself.MetrologyInvestigate.
Diagnostic 8 High Neutral CurrentDiagnostic 8 Clear (N/A for RNI)High Neutral Current. Meter has detected a neutral current above the programmed threshold.Clears when event clears.MetrologyN/A