ally meter alerts

The following information describes the alarms, errors, and warnings for the ally meter.

Table 1. ally meter alerts
LCD CodeMeter event nameRNI event nameEvent descriptionEvent triggerEvent sourceXylem recommended action
Register ErrorInvalid or suspect data received from metrology core.Invalid or suspect data received from metrology core.Smart MeterInvestigate if condition continues.
Actuator FailureValve Transition FailureSet if a valve actuation request could not be completed (that is, the valve is not known to be in the desired final state).Triggered by failure to successfully complete valve actuation request.Smart MeterInvestigate.
b (also displays battery icon)Battery Beyond End of LifeBeyond End of LifeTriggers when the product has reached the end of the expected product life base on years.Triggers after 20 yrs from install or 21 yrs from date of manufacture.Smart MeterPlan scheduled maintenance.
b (also displays battery icon)Battery Near End of LifeNear End of LifeTriggers when the product is near the end of the expected product life based on years.Triggers after 19.5 yrs from install or 20.5 yrs from date of manufacture.Smart MeterPlan scheduled maintenance.
Configuration ErrorConfiguration ErrorIndicates one or more calibration factors were not set or that the calibration file has reverted to defaults.Triggers on a reset if one or more of the calibration factors has not been set. (Should not be seen outside the factory.)Smart MeterInvestigate, make plans to replace meter soon.
Critical Hardware WarningCritical Hardware WarningThere may be an issue with peripheral meter hardware, though core metrology functions are not impacted.Meter fault is detected.Smart MeterInvestigate.
LCustomer LeakContinuous FlowTriggers when the flow rate through the meter meets or exceeds the configured value for the configured period of time.Triggers when flow rate exceeds configured value for configured time period. The defaults are 0.25 GPM, 0.05 M3/HR, 2 CF/HR in 24hr period.Smart MeterInvestigate.
0 (zero)Empty PipeEmpty PipeTriggers when air is detected in the pipe and indicates there is no water in the flow tube.No water presence detected for 20-40s.Smart MeterInvestigate.
Hardware FailureHardware FaultSevere hardware problem. The meter operation has been compromised.Meter operation failed. ASIC or system clock failure, calibration data corrupted.Smart MeterReplace meter.
HHigh FlowHigh FlowTriggers when the flow rate though the meter meets or exceeds the set value for the set time. Could be caused by a broken pipe.Triggers when flow rate exceeds set value for set period. The default is 25 GPM, 5.7 M3/HR, 200 CF/HR in an hour.Smart MeterInvestigate.
1High Pressure AlarmHigh PressureTriggers when pressure rises above the set threshold.Triggers when pressure is above set threshold. The defaults are 200 PSIG, 13.8 Bar over 1 minute.Smart MeterInvestigate.
3High Temperature AlarmHigh TemperatureTriggers when the temperature rises above the set range.Triggers when temperature is above the set temperature. The defaults are 80F, 27C over a minute.Smart MeterInvestigate.
2Low Pressure AlarmLow PressureTriggers when pressure drops below the set threshold.Triggers when pressure falls below the set threshold. The defaults are 35 PSIG, 2.4 Bar over a minute duration.Smart MeterInvestigate.
Low Primary Battery VoltsLow Metrology Battery VoltsTriggers when voltage supplied to the metrology is running low.Triggers when volts drops below 2.8V.Smart MeterPlan scheduled maintenance.
Low Secondary Battery VoltsLow Valve Battery VoltsTriggers when the voltage supplied at the valve is running low.Triggers when volts drops below 2.8V.Smart MeterPlan scheduled maintenance.
4Low Temperature Alarm (DT101)Low TemperatureTriggers when the temperature drops below the set range.Triggers when temperature falls below the set temperature. The defaults are 35F, 2C over a minute.Smart MeterInvestigate.
tMagnetic TamperMagnetic TamperTriggers when an attempt to tamper with the meter through the use of a magnet is detected.Triggers when magnet impacting metrology is detected for 15 or more minutes for 4 cumulative times (1hr). (Not detected when in Empty Pipe.)Smart MeterInvestigate.
Misc MetrologyMisc MetrologyThe metrology data is potentially becoming unreliable due to high noise, excessive flow rate, or an excessive number of direction changes.High noise: There is a potential degradation in meter accuracy caused by an applied external electric current on or in the water line that exceeds the threshold for at least 15 minutes. Excessive flow rate: This threshold is programmable after R1.1.xx. Prior to that release, the maximum allowable flow rate is 55 gpm, the maximum flow physically possible for a 3/4" ally meter. This is potentially caused by water entering the flow from an unexpected source. Excessive direction changes: The threshold and time delay are programmable after the R1.1.xx release. Prior to that release, the maximum allowable number of direction changes is 20 per minute. This condition is checked once per minute. This is potentially caused by water entering the flow from an unexpected source, or electrode failure.Smart MeterIf this alarm is caused by high noise, it will clear when the noise drops below the programmed threshold, or if the meter enters empty pipe mode. If this alarm is caused by an excessive number of direction changes, it will clear after the number of direction changes per minute falls below the threshold.
Non-Volatile Memory ErrorConfiguration Error"Non-Volatile Memory Error". NV memory checksum failed.NV memory checksum failed.Smart MeterInvestigate.
RebootMeter RebootMeter has rebooted.Meter has rebooted.Smart MeterInvestigate.
rReverse FlowReverse FlowTriggers an alert when there is a consistent reverse flow for a specified period of time.Triggers when flow is detected in opposite direction. (From the Marketing spreadsheet.) The default flow rate is 1 GPM, 0.22 M3/HR, 8 CF/HR over a minute.Smart MeterInvestigate.
Upgrade ModeUpgrade ModeSet if the unit is in a mode that is updating the firmware.Triggered by receipt of a command to start Firmware Update.Smart MeterInvestigate.