Sensus believes quality education begins with a clear and properly defined learning goal. The goal of a learning event provides the participant with the proper context of what the learning experience is designed to address.
Different than goals, learning objectives define and state what the learner should be able to do, recall, describe, identify, etc., as a result of the taking a particular module of instruction. In short, well defined learning objectives help prepare a learner on what to focus upon during the education event or module of instruction.
User Role Based
Sensus organizes its Core education around primary utility roles and respective responsibilities. The material focuses on monitoring and maintaining the Sensus FlexNet® communication network with roles such as FlexNet® Administrator and Operator, while some content is focused on the Customer Service/Billing roles commonly associated with using a meter data management solution such as Sensus Analytics™ .
Modularized Instruction
Education is additionally organized into reasonably sized modules of professional content that address one or more specific goals. This modularization allows Sensus role and task-based curriculums to standalone, as well as be separated and re-combined to create a tailored learning experience appropriate for a various Utility’s needs.
Effective Presentation
Combining goals and learning objectives, Sensus is able to present the material in a visually engaging way. Additionally, Sensus instructors are certified in presentation and instructional techniques to help them communicate their technical knowledge in ways that do not overwhelm, and focus the attention of the learner.