North American two-way water SmartPoint module alerts
The following describes the alarms, errors, and warnings for the North American two-way water SmartPoint modules.
SmartPoint event name | RNI event name | Event description | Event trigger | Event source | Xylem recommended action |
Bidirectional Communication Failed | Not displayed in RNI | Hardware conditions exist on the bus that prevent communication with the meter. Or corrupt communication between the radio and meter | The SmartPoint module did not successfully send a command to the register or get a response back. (Alarm available in firmware version 1.6 and later.) Only autonomous unsuccessful bidirectional actions trigger this alarm. | Comm Module | Investigate the register for a proper connection or malfunction and check the cable. The issue could be with the cable or SmartPoint module. |
Continuous Flow | Continuous Flow | Continuous flow for an extended period of time | The meter reports a certain level of consumption at every reading for an extended time period. The continuous flow alarm triggers if this measured consumption from one scheduled reading to the next meets or exceeds the configured volume threshold, and continues to meet or exceed the threshold for the selected number of consecutive meter samples. This alarm occurs if there is flow downstream of the meter. The continuous flow alarm may be deactivated using Device Manager or FieldLogic. If deactivated, the SmartPoint module does not monitor or report any continuous flow alarms. | Comm Module | Execute actions consistent with your normal operating procedures which may include notifying the customer or performing an on-site visit. If the alarm occurs frequently, review the programmed volume threshold and duration settings. If they seem too low for the typical usage of the particular meter, reprogram to higher settings. |
Hardware Alerts Paused | Hardware Alerts Paused | Repetitive alarms will impact the device battery. Check recent alerts to determine action. | The SmartPoint module pauses any meter hardware alarms due to excessive alarm triggering then clearing. All alarms from this category will not be transmitted. This alarm stays active until the user chooses to resume the meter operation alarms. | Comm Module | Select resume in Device Manager to reset the alarm and resume the paused alarms. Alternatively, reset the SmartPoint module alarms in the field using FieldLogic to resume paused meter alarms. Review all recent alarms to determine the best course of action. |
High Flow | High Flow | Excessive Flow Rate | The meter detects an excessive flow rate, possibly caused by a broken pipe. The alarm triggers when the measured consumption from one scheduled reading to the next exceeds the high flow threshold. The high flow alarm may be deactivated using Device Manager or FieldLogic. If deactivated, the SmartPoint module does not monitor or report any high flow alarms. | Comm Module | On-site visit recommended to investigate the reason for the alarm. If the alarm occurs frequently, review the programmed volume threshold and duration settings. If they seem too low for the typical usage of the particular meter, reprogram to higher settings. |
History Overflow | History Overflow | History overflow. | The SmartPoint module reports a history overflow condition when the difference in usage from the last reading to the one before that is too large for the meter's compressed history. The "too large" number depends on resolution, number of digits, history scale, and compression scheme. This alarm cannot be manually reset. | Comm Module | The alarm stays active in the RNI as long as the received messages indicate a History Overflow. Once the condition ceases to exist the alarm goes inactive. If this alarm occurs frequently and becomes problematic, discuss options with a Sensus representative. |
Low SmartPoint Battery Volts | Low SmartPoint Battery Volts | The endpoint indicated the battery voltage dropped below the level required for data transmission. | The SmartPoint module detects that the battery voltage is below 3.3V. The battery voltage is sampled immediately before every transmission. If the voltage is less than the threshold, the Low SmartPoint Battery Volts alarm sets. If the battery voltage goes above the threshold the alarm clears. | Comm Module | Monitor the condition for a couple of days. The alarm will stop reporting on its own when the battery voltage returns to a value over the threshold. If the condition persists replace the SmartPoint module. |
Meter Communication Failed | Meter Communications Failed | Module failed to read the register | The SmartPoint module did not successfully read the water register. Either there was no response from the register or the reading string was corrupted. Possible causes may be an incorrect or poor connection to the register, a malfunctioning register, or no register connected at all. | Comm Module | If the number of occurrences of this alarm is high within a 3-4 day period, and no reading has been received in that time period, investigate the register for a proper connection or malfunction. |
Meter Read Failure | Meter Read Failure | The meter could not be read due to no response, bad CRC/Checksum/Parity, or invalid data. | SmartPoint module was unable to interpret data received from meter. | Comm Module | Investigate if alarm condition does not clear. |
Non-numeric read | Register Error | Register was read but register indicated an error condition. In some cases may indicate register is nearing end of life (see SmartPoint Module - Register End-of-Life alarm). | The SmartPoint module successfully read the water register but the register indicated an error condition, for example, a stuck encoder wheel. | Comm Module | If the number of occurrences of this alarm is high within a 3-4 day period, and no reading has been received in that time period, investigate the register for a possible malfunction. |
Operational Alerts Paused | Operational Alerts Paused | Repetitive alarms will impact the device battery. Consider changing thresholds for recurring alarms. | The SmartPoint module pauses any meter operation alarms due to excessive alarm triggering then clearing. All alarms from this category will not be transmitted. This alarm stays active until the user chooses to resume the meter operation alarms. | Comm Module | Select resume in Device Manager to reset the alarm and resume the paused alarms. Alternatively, reset the SmartPoint module alarms in the field using FieldLogic to resume paused meter alarms. Also consider changing the thresholds for the recurring alarms. Review all recent alarms to determine the best course of action. |
Pressure Alerts Paused | Pressure Alerts Paused | Repetitive alarms will impact the device battery. Consider changing thresholds for recurring alarms. | The SmartPoint module pauses any meter pressure alarms due to excessive alarm triggering then clearing. All alarms from this category will not be transmitted. This alarm stays active until the user chooses to resume the meter operation alarms. | Comm Module | Select resume in Device Manager to reset the alarm and resume the paused alarms. Alternatively, reset the SmartPoint module alarms in the field using FieldLogic to resume paused meter alarms. Also consider changing the thresholds for the recurring alarms. Review all recent alarms to determine the best course of action. |
Register End-of-Life | Register End-of-Life | Register reading indicates register is nearing end-of-life. Alarm available on all 522M SmartPoints (with encoder registers), and on 510/520M SmartPoints with FW R1.A.1C release. | Reading from register indicates it is nearing its end of life (least significant reading digit replaced with non-numeric '?' character). | Comm Module | Plan to replace register connected to SmartPoint. |
Reverse Flow | Reverse Flow | Measured consumption from on scheduled reading to the next is negative | The SmartPoint module detects reverse flow (decreasing reading values) for a specified period of time. The alarm triggers when the consumption between readings is negative and the difference between the two readings meets or exceeds the selected threshold for the selected number of consecutive meter samples. The threshold value can be deactivated. If deactivated, the SmartPoint module does not monitor or report any reverse flow alarms. | Comm Module | On-site visit recommended to investigate the reason for the alarm. |
Swapped Meter | Swapped Meter | Register changed without proper installation | The SmartPoint module detects that the register has changed without a proper installation. The swapped meter alarm triggers when 1) the register serial number differs from one reading the next, or 2) the number of reading digits coming from the register has changed from one reading to the next. | Comm Module | Schedule a site visit to deactivate then reactivate the SmartPoint module with the new register. If the alarm does not resolve after a reactivation, contact Technical Support. |
Tamper | Tilt Tamper | The meter’s orientation has been moved or the cover has been opened. | The meter’s orientation has been moved or the cover has been opened. | Comm Module | On-site visit is required to investigate the status of the meter. For NA2W, alarms will expire after 35 days, to reset before 35 days an on-site visit is required. |
Temperature Alerts Paused | Temperature Alerts Paused | Repetitive alarms will impact the device battery. Consider changing thresholds for recurring alarms. | The SmartPoint module pauses any meter temperature alarms due to excessive alarm triggering then clearing. All alarms from this category will not be transmitted. This alarm stays active until the user chooses to resume the meter operation alarms. | Comm Module | Select resume in Device Manager to reset the alarm and resume the paused alarms. Alternatively, reset the SmartPoint module alarms in the field using FieldLogic to resume paused meter alarms. Also consider changing the thresholds for the recurring alarms. Review all recent alarms to determine the best course of action. |