SentryPoint Cathodic Protection alerts

The following information describes the alarms, errors, and warnings for Sensus SentryPoint Cathodic Protection Rectifier Controller and Monitor (RCM), and Test Point (TP).

Table 1. SentryPoint RCM and TP alerts
RCM or TPSentryPoint application event nameEvent descriptionEvent triggerXylem recommended action
SentryPoint CP RCM and TP15% BatteryThe device has 15% of its battery life left. When this alarm is triggered, the 25% alarm will no longer be triggered. The device needs to be replaced in the near future. This alarm is disabled by default and is configured during installation and activation by FieldLogic Tools.The 15% Battery alarm is triggered when the SmartPoint module calculates that the mA hours consumed indicate that 15% of the battery charge is lest, based on standard battery capacity, configuration, and alarm occurrence of approximately once per month for a 20 year lifespan. These estimates are conservative.Replace the device.
SentryPoint CP RCM and TP25% BatteryThe device has 25% of its battery life left. The device needs to be replaced in the near future. This alarm is disabled by default and is configured during installation and activation by FieldLogic Tools.The 25% Battery alarm is triggered when the SmartPoint module calculates that the mA hours consumed indicate that 25% of the battery charge is lest, based on standard battery capacity, configuration, and alarm occurrence of approximately once per month for a 20 year lifespan. These estimates are conservative.Replace the device.
SentryPoint CP RCM and TP5% BatteryThe device has 5% of its battery life left. When this alarm is triggered, the 15% alarm will no longer be triggered. The device needs to be replaced in the near future. This alarm is disabled by default and is configured during installation and activation by FieldLogic Tools.The 5% Battery alarm is triggered when the SmartPoint module calculates that the mA hours consumed indicate that 5% of the battery charge is lest, based on standard battery capacity, configuration, and alarm occurrence of approximately once per month for a 20 year lifespan. These estimates are conservative.Replace the device.
SentryPoint CP RCM and TPDevice Communication ErrorA hardware failure has occurred and is preventing a reading from being generated.
SentryPoint CP RCMLow Battery VoltageA Mains Endpoint Device Type low voltage alarm indicates the radio's battery voltage is too low for transmissions with the PA enabled. During this condition, high power radio transmissions from any of the product's channels are blocked. This includes all messages pushed to the network. Because of this, the Low Voltage condition is only signaled to the network once the event has stopped. The start time in the Alarm message indicates when the event is started. The threshold for signaling a low voltage alarm is product dependent and cannot be changed via messaging. Alarm persistence period for low voltage alarm is dependent on the device's meter sample rate: (Meter Sample Rate: Persistence Period) 5 min: 2.9 days; 15 mins: 8.75 days; 1 hr: 35 days; 6 hrs: 210 days; 12 hrs : 420 days; 24 hrs: 840 days
SentryPoint CP TPLow Battery VoltageSP Metrology low voltage alarm indicates the product's board power is below a level acceptable to perform a measurement. During a low voltage condition, measurements are not generated, and hardware is not sampled.The alarm start condition is only detected on a read operation. The alarm stop condition is not recorded until the first read operation that is at least 1 minute after the last low battery condition was encountered. Start and stop timestamps are recorded for this condition.
SentryPoint CP RCM and TPMetadata WarningRNI is missing some alarm configuration data. This warning reports the Alert Start Time, but does not have an Alert End Time. Trigger a setup dump on the device.
SentryPoint CP RCM and TPOutside Range - Average VoltageThe Rectifier's average read for AC input voltage falls outside of the acceptable threshold range. This is usually an indication of power quality issues.
SentryPoint CP RCM and TPOutside Range - Coupon ReadingThe alarm can be triggered if the Test Point's Coupon voltage goes outside the defined threshold limits.
SentryPoint CP RCM and TPOutside Range - Maximum VoltageIf the Rectifier's Maximum read for aC input voltage falls outside the acceptable threshold range, the alarm is triggered. This is usually an indication of power quality issues.
SentryPoint CP RCM and TPOutside Range - Measured CurrentIf the Rectifier's defined thresholds for the DC current are exceeded the alarm is triggered.
SentryPoint CP RCM and TPOutside Range - Measured VoltageIf the Rectifier's defined thresholds for the DC voltage are exceeded the alarm is triggered.
SentryPoint CP RCM and TPOutside Range - Minimum VoltageIf the Rectifier's Minimum read for AC input voltage falls outside of the acceptable threshold range, the alarm is triggered. This is usually an indication of power quality issues.
SentryPoint CP RCM and TPOutside Range - Pipe ReadingIf the Test Point's defined thresholds for the Pipe voltage is exceeded the alarm is triggered.
SentryPoint CP RCMRead FailureThe device hardware has an error that keeps the device from operating. If detected, it is reported after the MSR in which the error was detected. The alarm includes the timestamp of the alarm event at the time of occurrence. This alarm could indicate incorrect wiring or faulty Rectifier Monitor.
SentryPoint CP TPRead FailureThe device hardware has an error that keeps the device from operating. If detected, it is reported after the MSR in which the error was detected. This alarm includes the timestamp of the alarm event at the time of occurrence. This typically requires the utility to 'Return to Manufacturer' to determine the problem.